Show all Initiatives LSSSE Webinars Research Using LSSSE Data AccessLex Institute | LSSSE Bar Exam Success Initiativeby LSSSE LSSSE Law School Report 2015: Webinarby LSSSE Op-Ed: Law School Scholarships Foist Surtax On Neediestby LSSSE Globalization and the Monopoly of ABA-Approved Law Schools: Missed Opportunities or Dodged Bullets?by LSSSE The Intricate Associations between Diversity and Law Student Engagementby LSSSE The Pursuit of Inclusion: An In-Depth Exploration of the Experiences and Perspectives of Native American Attorneys in the Legal Professionby LSSSE Gaining from the System: Lessons from the Law School Survey of Student Engagement about How Students Benefit from Law Schooby LSSSE Reclaiming Our Essential Freedom to Determine Who May Be Admitted to Study Lawby LSSSE LSSSE in Australia: The University of New South Wales Resultsby LSSSE Getting Real About Globalization and Legal Education: Potential and Perspectives for the LSSSE