Survey says: Law students are more diverse, engaged and better prepared (National Jurist – 2/15/2025)LSSSE in the NewsFebruary 17, 2025Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute Law student satisfaction rates high for last 20 years, lower for students of color, study shows (Reuters – 11/26/24)LSSSE in the NewsDecember 4, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute 20 Years of Law School Insights: Diversity, Debt, and Student Satisfaction Trends (JD Journal – 11/27/24)LSSSE in the NewsDecember 4, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute Law students are more diverse, face more debt than 20 years ago, new study says (ABA Journal – 11/22/24)LSSSE in the NewsDecember 2, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute Law Schools Navigate the Shifting Inclusion Landscape (Insight Into Diversity – 7/2/24)LSSSE in the NewsJuly 2, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute Law School Scholarships Are Measured For The First Time — The Results Are Very White (Above the Law – 5/15/2024)LSSSE in the NewsMay 16, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute White Law Students Get More Full Scholarships, ABA Memo Says (Bloomberg Law – 5/14/2024)LSSSE in the NewsMay 16, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute Champion for access to justice, Purdue Global Law School dean continues to move law school forward (Purdue University – 4/24/24)LSSSE in the NewsApril 30, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute ABA considers expanding law school diversity standards (ABA Journal – 2/28/2024)LSSSE in the NewsMarch 18, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute The 20 Most Influential People in Legal Education (The National Jurist – 1/6/2024)LSSSE in the NewsFebruary 19, 2024Read Moreby LSSSE0 Comments1 Minute